There are all sorts of USB flash drives available on the market, and speaking of which, today we have a geeky USB flash drive that you might like.
As we already mentioned, this USB flash drive is officially licensed by Warner Bros. so it won’t come cheap, and it’s currently priced at $86.99.
This USB flash drive is made from two parts, head and body, and you can plug the head in the USB port, while the body works as a USB hub. When you connect the head to the USB, Batman’s eyes start to glow, and the same thing goes for the Batman’s logo on its chest. This USB is made from plastic and it’s 10cm tall, and we have to admit that although this USB flash drive is officially licensed by Warner Bros. it can look a bit creepy at times.
As we already mentioned, this USB flash drive is officially licensed by Warner Bros. so it won’t come cheap, and it’s currently priced at $86.99.
This USB flash drive is made from two parts, head and body, and you can plug the head in the USB port, while the body works as a USB hub. When you connect the head to the USB, Batman’s eyes start to glow, and the same thing goes for the Batman’s logo on its chest. This USB is made from plastic and it’s 10cm tall, and we have to admit that although this USB flash drive is officially licensed by Warner Bros. it can look a bit creepy at times.